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Barons050824 1 Govan Footbridge Festival acts credit Campbell Parker

Countdown to opening of Govan-Partick Bridge

16 Aug 2024

The opening of the Govan-Partick Bridge will be a “milestone” for the region, according to regional and city council leader Susan Aitken.

The formal opening of the Govan-Partick Bridge will take place on Friday September 6 - with ministers from the Scottish and UK Governments, the leader of Glasgow City Council, Ms Aitken, and local school children.

The following day, Saturday September 7, the one-off Govan Footbridge Festival will bring together local grassroots performers and established Scottish acts in a day of musical celebration across the streets of Govan.

Meanwhile, the north bank will play host to a separate Clydebuilt Festival on September 7 and 8 beside the Riverside Museum.


The £29.5million Glasgow City Region City Deal project - funded by the Scottish and UK Governments - re-establishes the historic connection between Govan and Partick, with the bridge crossing between Water Row on the south side and Pointhouse Quay on the north.

Barons050824 upright Horse McDonald credit Campbell Parker

The bridge sits at the heart of the Glasgow Riverside Innovation District which is a partnership involving the University of Glasgow, as the anchor institution, working with Glasgow City Council and Scottish Enterprise to accelerate innovation across 700 acres of the city, and including parts of Govan, Partick and the main University campus at Gilmorehill.

Thanks to the Glasgow City Region City Deal, the new foot and bike bridge has been enabled with funding jointly from the Scottish and UK Governments. As a swing bridge, it will allow The Waverley paddle steamer to take tourists up and down the Clyde each day during the summer.

Govan Footbridge Festival is made possible by the support of Glasgow City Council, the University of Glasgow, and Govan, Elderpark, Linthouse, Trust and Wheatley Housing Associations.

The University of Glasgow is proud to be supporting the Govan Footbridge Festival, bringing communities together to re-connect and celebrate their history, heritage and future through music - Uzma Khan

Councillor Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council and Chair of the Glasgow City Region Cabinet, said: “September will be a milestone in the modern history of these two great communities.  It will also be a milestone for Glasgow and the wider city-region. 

“Reconnecting Govan and Partick can help unlock the potential along the Clyde, create more opportunities for the people who live and work there, and continue the transformation of these areas."

Minister for Investment Tom Arthur said: “The Govan-Partick Bridge will unlock opportunities for people living on both sides of the River Clyde.  It will link up existing walking and cycling routes in Govan and Partick and enable more businesses to trade across the river to drive growth in western Glasgow.”

Govan Footbridge Festival Logo Pink

UK Government Minister for Scotland Kirsty McNeill said: "Kick-starting growth and delivering economic stability is at the heart of the UK Government's priorities.  It's great news for Glasgow that this UK and Scottish Government funded bridge linking Govan and Partick will soon be open, boosting the economy, bringing communities together and supporting redevelopment."

Paul MacAlindin, organiser of the Govan Footbridge Festival, said: “The opening of the new Govan-Partick Bridge is a fantastic opportunity for the communities on either side of the Clyde to come together.

"Historically, you could wade across the Clyde at low tide, before the ship building industry widened and deepened the river. Now, folk from both sides can explore each other’s neighbourhoods once more."

Councillor Ricky Bell, Depute Leader of Glasgow City Council and a Govan councillor, said: “September 7 will indeed be a great day for both Govan and Partick, and I am delighted that the public opening will be marked on the Govan side by the Footbridge Festival. 


"The festival has a fantastic programme of music and events on Govan Road, at Govan Cross and the Plaza beside the bridge that the people of Govan and our visitors can look forward to.”

Uzma Khan, Vice Principal for Economic Development and Innovation and Deputy Chief Operating Officer at the University of Glasgow, said: “The opening of the bridge is a momentous occasion for the communities of Govan and Partick.

"The University of Glasgow is proud to be supporting the Govan Footbridge Festival, bringing communities together to re-connect and celebrate their history, heritage and future through music.”

  • Top photo: singer Horse McDonald will be one of the acts performing at the Govan Footbridge Festival
  • Bottom: The unticketed, multi-genre festival is free to the public