
All activity and staff who work within GRID are overseen by the University of Glasgow Economic Development Board (UEBD). This is made up of representatives from senior management within the University along with economic heads at Glasgow City Council and Scottish Enterprise, GRID's partner organisations. Also on the board are college and housing association representatives from Govan and Partick.
The UEDB provides valuable oversight and support to the strategic direction and delivery of the University’s major economic development, innovation and civic programmes and opportunities for the University and its strategic partners.
In doing so, its objective is to strengthen the University’s links with the communities that live, learn and work in the area, develop new partnerships and collaborations, and deliver a lasting legacy of economic and social prosperity at a local and regional level.
Five Working Groups, comprised of internal and external subject matter experts, take the forward delivery of the UEDB’s key work programmes and priorities (these include Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Engagement, Enabling Investment through Infrastructure; Data and Intelligence; Communications, Marketing and Profile-raising and Community Engagement and Skills).

University of Glasgow Economic Development Board
The University of Glasgow Economic Development Board (UEDB) is being established to provide appropriate governance to the delivery of economic development-related projects.
About our board